Essential for Future Fit Organizations

Do you want to know more about a type of leadership that is better able to navigate the complexities and disruptive forces of the 21st century?

You’ve come to the right place. Systems Inspired Leadership is an innovative approach that creates from the wisdom of the system without telling people what to do. It builds shared leadership at all levels of the organization and is part of a growing trend towards more collaborative and collective leadership models. In this way helping you and your team to navigate the complex forces of the 21st century.

Please find below the services that can help you with this.


Grow your impact
by living your purpose
and breaking your barriers
executive coaching
Create high performance
by growing and activating
the collective wisdom
team development
Become a true Systems Inspired Leader
by leveraging the collective wisdom of the system and growing shared leadership
leadership development
Get inspired
by a new and powerful way
of leading organizations
in a disruptive world
speaking engagements


can help you and your organization to navigate complexity

and stay ahead of the disruptive forces of the 21st century.


Frank Uit de Weerd is founder and owner of Aoidos Leadership.

He is an organizational psychologist and a trusted advisor and executive coach specialized in supporting leaders, teams and organisations in their quest to become truly high performing in an ever more complex and rapidly changing world. 

Frank is lead author of the bestselling book Systems Inspired Leadership.

Systems Inspired Leadership (SIL) is a powerful alternative for modern leaders. Instead of a top-down, leader-knows-all style that results in stress, pressure, and anxiety, SIL oers a fresh, proven approach for achieving optimal results for your organization. With meaningful collaboration at its core, SIL taps the collective wisdom of the system rather than telling people what to do, and builds shared leadership at all levels of the organization.

Frank is married and has 2 children. Based in the Netherlands, he works in English, Dutch and French and has a good understanding of German and Italian.

Full bio


The Dutch version of Systems Inspired Leadership, called Systeem Geïnspireerd Leiderschap, is available now in the bookstore.